Welcome to the Nishma Insight Discussion Forum blog.

The NISHMA INSIGHT is our popular dvar Torah, distributed almost every week by e-mail, that touches upon an important concept in the Parsha, theme in a holiday or event in contemporary society.

Often, readers respond, via e-mail, with comments that initiate a further dialogue. Through this Discussion Forum, we now wish to open this dialogue to others. If you have a comment on the INSIGHT, we invite you place to your comments here; then we invite everyone to join the discussion.

(If you are not receiving the NISHMA INSIGHT, we invite you join our mailing/e-mail list through completing our sign-up form available at our website.)

Friday, August 23, 2013

Insight 5773-43: Avoteinu

For Ki Tavo
Not yet available on the Nishma website.

Study Question

1) While the Insight presents a way to understand the Rambam and his extension of the gemara, the actual language of the gemara may still be something that one would still like to investigate. Why does the gemara only present the verse regarding Avraham?

Friday, August 9, 2013

Insight 5773-42: The Structure of Government

For Shoftim
Not yet available on the Nishma website.

Study Question

1) We see from the case of Shlomo Hamelech with the two women arguing that the baby was her's, that it would seem that the the king's court must have had a pretty extensive schedule. How do you think it was determined if one when before this court or the regular court?

Friday, August 2, 2013

Insight 5773-41: Kadesh Atzmecha B'Mutar Lach

For Re'eh
Not yet available on the Nishma website.

Study Question

1) In regard Rashi's view, how is one to look at Rabbinic enactments? Would one now say that they are but necessary deviations from the idea?