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Friday, February 1, 2013

Insight 5773-20: Yitro's Conversion

For Yitro
Not yet available on the Nishma website.

Study Question

1) The major question of the Insight actually still remains: What did motivate Yitro to convert? According to the three opinions cited: What did Yitro see in each event that led him to wish to become a member of Klal Yisrael

The one hint that I offered that might assist in this search is that, it is my belief, within the three events Yitro saw something unique in how the Universal God related to this specific nation. This was not like all the other nations each having their own specific deities nor was it like all other universal theologies who project one form of Divine connection for all humanity (albeit making distinctions on actual theological yardsticks such as between believer and non-believer). In each event he saw the absolute benefit of being a Jew -- and this is what he now desired. And most significantly this desire was actually very unique. The challenge is to define this pursuant to the three variant opinions -- if they, in fact, are different or only simply different reflections of the same idea (which is one approach in the commentators).


  1. Perhaps the question should really be about Yitro. Who was this person who singularly made this choice?

  2. WHAT motivated him to convert?


    What motivated HIM to convert?

    The emphasis changes the question slightly, yes?
