Welcome to the Nishma Insight Discussion Forum blog.

The NISHMA INSIGHT is our popular dvar Torah, distributed almost every week by e-mail, that touches upon an important concept in the Parsha, theme in a holiday or event in contemporary society.

Often, readers respond, via e-mail, with comments that initiate a further dialogue. Through this Discussion Forum, we now wish to open this dialogue to others. If you have a comment on the INSIGHT, we invite you place to your comments here; then we invite everyone to join the discussion.

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Friday, March 20, 2020


For  Vayakhel, Pekudei
Available on the Nishma Facebook Page

Not yet available on the Nishma website

Friday, March 6, 2020


For  Purim
Available on the Nishma Facebook Page

Not yet available on the Nishma website

The influence of this mask in the process of teshuva is a subject truly worthy of further investigation. The first step in this process is perceiving a certain behaviour and/or understanding as wrong but how can one do so if the very process by which to make this determination may have faults? The call to do teshuva would thus also further demand of us to continuously evaluate how we make such determinations. How to do this must obviously demand more study.

Rabbi Ben Hecht