Welcome to the Nishma Insight Discussion Forum blog.

The NISHMA INSIGHT is our popular dvar Torah, distributed almost every week by e-mail, that touches upon an important concept in the Parsha, theme in a holiday or event in contemporary society.

Often, readers respond, via e-mail, with comments that initiate a further dialogue. Through this Discussion Forum, we now wish to open this dialogue to others. If you have a comment on the INSIGHT, we invite you place to your comments here; then we invite everyone to join the discussion.

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Friday, December 11, 2020


 For  Chanukah

Available on the Nishma Facebook Page
Not yet available on the Nishma websiter

1 comment:

  1. I just wish to clarify in regard to my point about religious tolerance. As one who may benefit from religious tolerance, the motivation may not be a concern of mine. But as one who has benefited from the promotion of such a concept, I may also wonder how I could not also apply it to others when intolerance does not exist. How could I as a Jew not apply religious tolerance to others if we had a Torah state. My thoughts in the Insight were thus intended to apply in such a situation. There is a place, within certain parameters, for the application of religious tolerance within Torah -- and the Insight was intended to present one such consideration.
    Rabbi Ben Hecht
